UV Lens Filter Images
I got a new lens filter for stubborn reflections that create glare. What I was looking for in the cover photo is what I saw through my polarized sunglasses. I was using a UV lens filter on the camera at the time, which filtered out the full spectrum of light colors on the evaporating whisps. It was pretty cool and something to remember. Clouds like these evaporate quickly in Phoenix even during January. So getting that shot again is possible. Today it literally disappeared.
The panorama of Camelback Mountain was taken from the Northeastern corner on the trail by the Arizona Canal Trail. I was looking for a better angle ending up at 56th St. and Indian School. Although shutting down 56th St. to get the view from the middle of the road was an idea.

The G.R. Herberger Park is the park many people pass on a daily basis and maybe say, “Huh?! I need to check that out sometime.”
And then it’s too late. Traffic is going 45 MPH in a 35 MPH School Zone and you’re trying to maintain your lane on an obscured curve with no where to pull off.
Well if you can manage to safely navigate your way there, here’s the grand entrance to SRP’s Arizona Falls on the Arizona Canal Trail. I was thinking my kid would have enjoyed seeing this.

Later on I think I would have wanted him wearing a toddler version of an orange arctic survival suit tethered to a boom. Like a toxic waste dump space walk.

The trail and park lead to this carefully designed building to fit in with the affluent neighborhood. Not the one above. Scroll down.

This one. Along with some cool views of Camelback Mountain and safety features it’s a functional hydroelectric station and museum. This also might be a welcomed stop on a mid-summer run.

Circular Polarized Lens Filter Images
A few miles down on the Northwest corner of Goldwater and 5th Ave. is another parking area with a tunnel to avoid the crosswalk, which I found on my way back to the vehicle. The photos below are images that were taken with a Circular Polarized Lens Filter .

The above shot is using a Polarized filter. It didn’t get the anti-glare effect I was hoping for. Notice the light coming in through the door towards the camera. This shot might be better at sunset with less direct sunlight and light coming from behind the camera. The angle of the shot matters.

Here’s a shot with the sun over my right shoulder. The right horse would have had the glare issues had it not been for the Polarized filter. The patina is hard to see during this time of day and angle, even with the naked eye glare washes out minute details. The middle horse did receive some extra Photoshop love.

And another photo that is hard to capture in all it’s detail. From this angle the structure never sees sunlight. Wait for the clouds and it loses luster. Nothing a tripod and patience can’t fix. I was traveling light taking advantage of a cool breezy day to do a little Urban Hiking on the AZ Canal. Next time! Because everytime is a scouting trip. The only difference is my knowledge and preparedness each adventure.