
Photo of Matthew Hartshorn, Owner of hartshorn Photo and Design

Hello, I’m Matthew, thanks for visiting Hartshorn Photo and Design. My mission is to sell photos of beautiful Arizona landscapes, animals, and creative digital works directly to anyone who appreciates the work. I am available for custom design and photography and would love to hear your ideas. I have the tools to create websites, photography, and video.


The E-commerce shop is currently being updated with images from the blog posts and other random images. I am currently using Fine Art America for a storefront, where you can get normal prints or even drape yourself in a towel with one of my birdie pictures.


A little bit about me professionally on LinkedIn Here. I have an education and professional experience in digital and print design, along with some web development and marketing. I picked up photography again and am continuing to build my tool chest with hardware and skills.

My origins are in fine art. I learned how to take photos, develop, and print (B&W) in high school, back when darkrooms were more of a thing. It’s an expensive hobby to keep up with and then the Digital Age happened. Or it was happening… Nonetheless. I’ve gone on a limb and have decided that entrepreneurship’s freedom is what I want out of life.

Currently, I am seeking contract photography and design work. If you are interested in my services, please contact me anytime.