PHX Bright Cloudy Day

I have not been very successful so far selling my work and recognize the need for change if I ever want to quit my day job. Recently I have been looking into NFTs as a way to make millions. Yeah right huh? Well who knows? I know the Bored Ape series was probably like winning the lottery for it’s creator, but maybe it will be like winning many small scratchers for me.


NFT is an acronym for Non-Fungible token. It’s pretty new thing some people have gotten rich like I mentioned. After looking into it further, it’s a little more money than I can afford to risk minting with crypto currency. But I can at least create the NFT as a certificate of authenticity, which is what a NFT can be. There’s some talk that since it involves crypto currency that enables bad actors in the black market. Personal opinion, anywhere there is money to be made you will find those people. Also I can see how this might disturb some artists as it breaks from their norms, which one person said I would lose respect as an artist. Like I said I’m having difficulty at finding success and this is a new avenue. If I am swimming in bit coins like Scrooge McDuck I’m not going to care about other people’s opinions. Especially since I don’t matter to them now.

Great-Tailed Grackle NFT
Click the Image to visit the OpenSea home for this NFT

Fine Art America

Fine Art America is another avenue I wanted to work on in the past, but wasn’t sure if it was worth the effort. I even went to the trouble of creating my own shop and uploading hundreds of images to stock photo sites to make a buck. I’ve yet to make a dime from my own shop. The stock photos just are not selling for a good price nor have I made enough to even collect a check. What I like about Fine Art America is they do all the printing and can place images on products like a coffee cup. Which allows me to focus more time on taking pictures and marketing. Click the image below to see my profile on Fine Art America.

Hummingbird on a sunray red and yellow background
Click the image to see it on a beach towel

Art Fairs

Last I am working on getting on the scene and working Art Fairs. One of the most popular is First Fridays in Phoenix, which I have a pending application. They are requesting handmade art and what not, so not sure if I will pass. Otherwise I have been working on local Art Fairs like Tempe Festival of the Arts and smaller operations.

Warm March 1st
Example of a print I plan on having on hand at an art fair.


There’s gotta be a way. When I first started this, it was out of haste with not much planning. I thought if I built something people would visit the website and eventually things would fall into place. Then Covid hit, it hit me hard with the approach I was taking driving people and things around for a living. Mentally not sure I was going to make it through. I kinda feel like I am on mule, but thinking it’s a horse. I give it a gitty-up and it won’t move. Now I’m getting off my horse and leading it on foot.

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