I’m having a case of the Mondays with some sinus issues. Days like these I spend thumbing through the Internet. I realized it’s been about a year since I updated my profile photo, so I took advantage of some natural sidelight.

My current social media profile looks a little rough and serious, which isn’t very approachable. So I was thinking a softer more intimate photo might be good. Then Harper joined in. Her motivation was to get me to let her outside.

She likes to give the love back with kisses, hugs and petting. We first met at Lost Our Home Pet Rescue. She climb right up on my shoulder and marked me hers. We bonded pretty quick.

Harper is an affection cat that can’t get close enough to show me her love. I’m a pretty lucky cat dad.
I’m looking at my phone for remote shooting.
My oily sick forehead catching that light. Harper is aware of the camera and doing her best to look away.
Harper going in for some tongue.
Harper is giving me a hug. She pets me back too.

I think my 3rd and 4th grade pictures look similar, sick as a dog. People who know me, know I wear my emotions on my sleeve like a badge. It’s tough for me to be anything I am not. Guess a more professional photo can wait.

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