I carry my camera with me just about everywhere as a professional driver. The final destinations are in some of the most beautiful places like on Tuesday morning outside of Tartesso, an oasis community north of Palo Verde Nuclear Plant. Delivered my last package under an orange glow creeping up from the east and the terminator line of pinks and blues in the west. Then rushed to find the angles and foreground before it all dissipated.

West Phoenix Sunrise
Sunrise westside of Phoenix Arizona January 7th, 2020

If that range looks familiar its Phoenix International Raceway aka ISM Raceway (Ingenuity Sun Media) . Turn around and the Palo Verde Nuclear Plant was letting off some steam.

Palo Verde Nuclear Plant on a cold Arizona morning. Still dumbfounded this was placed upwind of Phoenix.

Here’s where I fight myself on whats worthy. I have a hard time publishing the imperfect. Call it brand control. Still working towards those lenses that cost more than the camera, but I am able to capture some of what I was seeing and how I was seeing it.

Well just a few pictures made the cut this time. Until next time.

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